Everything in the fashion world has evolved. Online shopping has evolved into this membership- only world where deep designer discounts are only given to fashionista insiders who receive invites in their email box daily. A step further into the online shopping world is flash sales within this invite-only online shopping mall. Flash sales are timed ‘boutiques’ on these sites that the items are only available for possibly 1 or 2 days upon not running out of stock. This is a privydoll’s favorite way to shop, and nearly the only shopping sites I frequent. And like any doll, I want to share with everyone my top finds and invite the PrivyDoll community to join in the fun, just as long as you are not a size 2 that could possibly beat me at buying that hard to find, have to have item! VIP shopping has taken over within the shopaholic’s world. You can even shop on your favorite VIP shopping website on a designer laptop seen on the runways themselves. Technology and fashion are hand in hand and the makers at HP have listened. Vivienne Tam. This mini red floral laptop was walked down the runway effortlessly as a clutch on models at New York Fashion Week. Dress up your life with smart shopping, you will never pay full price for designer again after you become a savvy member-only shopper. Here is a guide and invites to my favorite invite-only shopping sites. So open up your designer lap top and shop your Louboutins off but hurry you may be timed!
1) www.Rueala.com Boutiques are female focused but also has travel and men’s featured boutiques monthly. Boutique items are usually only available for 2 days sometimes less. Sales start at 10am each day and I find most top designer items are sold out within the first hour of launching! The reminder options are great in order to get email or text alerts for your favorite designer boutiques that are coming down the line. This site is very easy to maneuver within and the customer service is amazing. As a frequent buyer, the items always come on time, brand new, well packaged and ready to wear. Like most invite-only sites there is a benefit for spreading the word: a $10 credit is given upon your suggested friends ordering. Get your Ruelala on!
2) www.Gilt.com is a haven for designer obsessed fans. Gilt Groupe offers more higher end designers than some of the other sites. This is my guilty pleasure. This site offers a Jet set section for travel deals, Mens fashion deals and even a children section beyond the most popular woman’s apparel site. A credit is also given for your guests purchasing and I find this site doesn’t sell out as fast as others, but don’t let that allow you to keep that perfect- season’s-must-have in your shopping cart, this site is timed as well. Burberry, Helmut Lang and Dolce Vita all this week. What’s a girl to do?!
3) www.billiondollarbabse.com includes many designers you may not of heard of, but designers you are glad you found! This site is a little different, as they incorporate live sales in cities as well. Get your mouse ready because they hold 3 sales a week and they only last 48 hours. Pass onto your fellow shoppers and receive $10 towards your next order.
1) http://www.ruelala.com/invite/privydoll

3) https://www.billiondollarbabes.com/register/u/b5ced4d1cbda947ba59ba8
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