1) Always wear sunscreen. Luckily, many moisturizers and foundations you normally use have SPF. Make sure it does and re apply in the sun.
2) Always wear sunglasses. I personally don't want to get squint lines but more importantly you can get sun damage on your eyes.
3) protect your hair color and scalp with a hat or scarf when laying out. We spend a lot on hair coloring and highlights. Sun immediately changes the pigments, and can fade or turn the color a bit blonder or more orange depending. It also protects your scalp from getting sun burn.
Don't forget the sunscreen is the number one priority. With that, here are a few of my favorites.
Philosophy has a oil free SPF lotion called Hope. Found at Sephora for $45.
I also love this great find, Island Company (known for their bikinis) have launched a sunscreen line. Check out this one that is SPF 6. All of their lines come in minis, which are great for traveling. Try this one for $17.95 and found on their site, HERE.

PrivyDolls spend a lot on their hair color. Make sure you use a protective spray before you head outdoors and to the beach. This one found at Ulta for $22 is a great choice.
For those that are tech savvy sun bathers check out this site and also their APP that can calculate the sun, and how long you should be out there due to your skin type and UV rays.
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